In this four-part series of Getting to know the author, I’ll let you know a little bit about my own journey into guitar fascination. You’ll quickly learn about my lack of natural ability, confidence, and recording skills.
You’ll hopefully learn how I simply love the guitar. That’s why I do what I do online. I may not be great at playing the guitar, but I love it like nobody’s business.
Part 1—I’ve been doing this for a while
I started writing about my guitar fascination on the Scarebear.org website. I started writing about guitars and their iOS application opportunities back in 2011. I may have been writing before that, but thanks to hackers, I did lose my first website’s content.
In 2015, I was lucky enough to receive an invitation to the NAMM show in California. That is what I’d normally call a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. However, I’d love to go back again one day. It’s honestly mind-blowing.
Going to NAMM was one of my 2015 guitar highlights. 2015 was a good year for me and my guitar fascination. I wrote about that on my Scarebear.org website. Reading that article provides the first piece of the puzzle into who I am as the author of the randomness you’ll see on this guitar fascination website.
If nothing else, I am passionate.
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