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My visit to Prestige Guitars and the birth of a custom guitar build

Hello, fellow guitar fans and heavy metal enthusiasts! I recently had an incredible opportunity that I am thrilled to share with all of you here at Guitar Fascination. Yes, it involves some serious guitar candy—a sneak peek into the world of custom guitar crafting at Prestige Guitars in Vancouver, Canada. Plus, I have some exciting news about my new custom guitar build!

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5 awesome options for finding the right plectrum

If you’re new to playing guitar, then you may not realise the importance of finding the right plectrum. Even if you’ve been playing guitar for a long time, there are always new innovations coming out in the guitar accessories realm. For example, Amazon has over 9000 listings for guitar accessories! It’s so easy to get lost in all of the choices. This post shows five awesome options for finding the right plectrum.

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My 10 favourite albums of 2021

I should start this list with a few disclaimers. Firstly, where I’m from, favourite has a U in it. Sorry online grammar checker! Secondly, these are purely my personal 10 favourite albums of 2021. This isn’t supposed to be interpreted as some kind of best-of list. I don’t believe I have the qualifications to attempt to rank something like musical ability or quality. Music is interpretive. That’s one of the reasons it’s so awesome.

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