As we find our way three-quarters of the way through this four-part series of Getting to know the author, I’d like to remind folks that I haven’t perfected the art of capturing my guitar playing perfectly onto video. I haven’t mastered audio either.
Now that I think about it, I’ve not mastered guitar playing. Having said that, I’m not claiming—or aiming—to be an excellent guitarist. No, I’m only claiming to have a rather large fascination and passion for all things guitar. Also, does anyone ever truly master the guitar? I hope not. Where’s the fun in that?
So, another example of my previous passion that connects perfectly with my just-mentioned lack of skill is the monthly riff challenge I set myself in 2018 over on my Scarebear.org website. For twelve consecutive months, I came up with a new riff that was played over the same drum backing track.
The goal was to hopefully come up with enough material to eventually construct a single track that I could almost call a song. Eventually. I’ve not managed to put all the riff pieces together yet.
I hope to one day though.
I suppose that’s another thing you can learn about me. I’m not very fast when it comes to getting my own tasks done. I hope to correct that prioritisation problem later this year when I move to a place that will hopefully provide me with a more inspirational guitar playing and recording space. Fingers crossed.
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