I was scrolling through my YouTube recommendations the other day when I came across this guitar play through video by Scale The Summit.
Before I hit the play button I was seeing multiple signs that I was going to enjoy this video. For starters, it’s a guitar play through. I’m yet to see one of those I didn’t enjoy.
Secondly, this track features Courtney LaPlante from the band Spiritbox. If you haven’t listened to this band yet, I strongly advise that you do. Their versatility is insanely good. They’ve been slowly releasing singles this year and each track has been epic. No two tracks are the same, but they’re all as good as the track that preceded it.
Back to the Scale The Summit track though.
From the beginning of the track, you know you’re in for something unique. Before a note is played, the Kissel Guitars model that is being used in this video blows your mind.
Blows. Your. Mind.
Who needs fret markers when every single fret has seven LED lights? Just in case you’re trying to work out how that works, there’s one under each string. I’m not sure if it’s all pre-programmed or not—I suspect that it is—but throughout this play through, you see lights displaying under or around the action points of the song. You also see words and animations that are displayed in the most appropriate ways and times.
I’ll just say this. Colour me fascinated.
Enjoy The Land of Nod featuring Courtney LaPlante.
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