Welcome to the fourth and final entry in this four-part series cleverly titled Getting to know the author. This is perhaps the least appropriate time in the series to point out that I’m quite introverted. Oops.
I’ve actually completed a personality test of sorts in recent years as part of a team-building workshop at the place I fill my paying daytime hours. Let’s call that place Work. As a part of that test, I received official notice of what I’d known for years. I’m an introvert.
I point this out because as much as I enjoy writing, web design, and social media, I very much prefer being behind the screen—whether that’s writing, photographing, or these days … capturing video. So putting myself in front of a video camera for an unboxing video was not something that came easy to me. Still, I want to learn more about the video creation/sharing process, and nobody else I live with shares my fascination for guitars.
First world problems I guess.
All of these details come together to form this final entry in the getting to know the author series.
Late last year I had my best attempt at video lighting, proper audio capture, and video editing. That part I enjoyed. Being in front of the camera for the unboxing and the guitar play through that followed was less enjoyable. Still, I somehow ended up with a video I didn’t hate and felt comfortable sharing on youTube.
This is something I hope to do more of for this website when I complete the next guitar room I hope to call home some time in the next 12 months.
Until then, I hope you enjoy this final article in the getting to know the author series. From here on, I hope to focus more on the basics of discovering content and sharing it with people who share my fascination with all things guitar.
Here’s the video I created for my Scarebear.org website.
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