I won’t be just using this website to write about my own justification for continually purchasing new guitars—see my articles on 8 reasons or 12 reasons to buy more guitars. No, sometimes I’ll write short pieces to promote the greatness that others contribute to all people fascinated with guitars.
This is one of those articles.
Focusrite have written and shared an outstanding series of articles on releasing music. I have been receiving these articles directly to my Inbox because I subscribe to their newsletter. I did this as soon as I registered my Focusrite Scarlett Solo. I’ve had no regrets since doing so.
The four-part series on releasing music has been friendly, fascinating and also … Free. All good F words.
If you play guitar and have a desire to one day record and share that music, do yourself a favour—there’s another good F word. Check this series out.
Releasing music links below
Even if you don’t plan on releasing your music to the masses. The first two parts of this free series is well worth the read. It has been for me at least.
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