What could be better than another guitar play through video? How about a video shot inside a warehouse where the awesome Seymour Duncan pickups are manufactured. Yep. That should do it.
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What could be better than another guitar play through video? How about a video shot inside a warehouse where the awesome Seymour Duncan pickups are manufactured. Yep. That should do it.
I’m not sure how many entries I’ll end up having in this guitar play through series, but I know it can’t end without a video by Andy James. I’ve been a fan of Andy’s guitar playing for years. Hopefully, this example helps explains why.
Let me start by saying that I wasn’t sure how to manage the official count for hockey stick headstocks in this article. There are more than five brands mentioned in this article, but do you count brands that have similar guitars in their parent brand? (Hockey) stick with me here …
If you’re anything like me, you love playing guitar. When it comes to something like pickup installation though, you generally rely on the services of others. I’d like to say “I have people for that”, but I’d be lying. Now you can learn how to install pickups yourself!
When I first started writing this series of YouTube guitar play through videos that I’d come across, there was one video that made me think of the series concept. That video was for the ERRA track Snowblood by Jesse Cash.
Continuing with my recent series of guitar play through videos that inspire me on YouTube, is this piece of brilliance by Mike Stringer from the band Spiritbox.
Welcome to the fourth and final entry in this four-part series cleverly titled Getting to know the author. This is perhaps the least appropriate time in the series to point out that I’m quite introverted. Oops.
The new Solar Guitars Type T has been released and it’s a thing of beauty. There’s even an option for those who don’t love black guitars. Although, why?!
As we find our way three-quarters of the way through this four-part series of Getting to know the author, I’d like to remind folks that I haven’t perfected the art of capturing my guitar playing perfectly onto video. I haven’t mastered audio either.
Another day, another guitar play through video that I recently discovered. This one is by the band Enterprise Earth.