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Five affordable distortion pedals under $50

My fascination with guitars goes beyond guitars themselves. My fascination also includes amplifiers, interfaces, software, and guitar pedals. Some say I may have too many guitar pedals. Those people would of course be wrong. One of the reasons I have the number of guitar pedals I do is because it’s so easy to find guitar pedals under $50 USD.

Heck. It even gives me something to write about on this website! Convenient.

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My 10 favourite albums of 2021

I should start this list with a few disclaimers. Firstly, where I’m from, favourite has a U in it. Sorry online grammar checker! Secondly, these are purely my personal 10 favourite albums of 2021. This isn’t supposed to be interpreted as some kind of best-of list. I don’t believe I have the qualifications to attempt to rank something like musical ability or quality. Music is interpretive. That’s one of the reasons it’s so awesome.

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